Bioresonance Cirencester

Accessible and affordable health solutions

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a form of bio-physics and has been known as oscillation treatment or frequency medicine

All matter is made of atoms which have different electro-magnetic frequencies. The bioresonance device is pre-loaded with all the frequencies of the body. Bioresonance therapy is where you emit these frequencies into the body to gradually help the cells to harmonise. When these cells begin to harmonise, this can cause the body to respond to the energetic burdens (dis-ease) which can help restore health and relieve pain.

A good analogy to describe Bioresonance is to ask a question: Why does our skin turn brown in the sun? The answer is that the sunlight has a frequency of 750 – 1500 THz and the sine wave form is a healthy one which supports all life – sunlight stimulates production of Melanin, pigments and Vitamin D etc; so Bioresonance devices are like an adjustable sun!

Full Body Analysis gives the energetic fingerprint or key so the appropriate frequencies can be given to restore and harmonise to correct the burden that has been resulting in illness or dis-ease for the client.

The body can be analysed for its frequency resonance reading to give an accurate picture of whether a burden (strong or weak) is present upon the body and where exactly this is. Energy can do one of two things on the organism (body):

  • create a burden (depression) on the body that stresses or weakens, or
  • support the body

“To understand the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”

– Nikola Tesla

Ultimately all matter is vibration

– Max Planck

Wave Forms


Sine waves occur naturally, they are all around us within nature


Rectangular or square wave forms can create stress on the organism (like electro-magnetic frequencies that can interfere with the natural function of the body)


Triangular wave oscillations like those in radiation therapy can damage and stress the body


Rayonex is a German firm that has been manufacturing bioresonance devices for over 40 years. It is the biggest, independent manufacturer of Bioresonance devices working in 46 countries and now treating approximately 40,000 daily clients worldwide.

Rayonex Bioresonance devices are a Medical Grade Product Class IIa.

At The Wavy Line Clinic we use Rayonex’s Rayocomp PS 10 to treat patients.

Rayocomp PS 10

Paul Schmidt was the original founder of the Rayonex Bioresonance devices over 40 years ago in Germany. He was an engineer and innovator with over 500 invention patents to his name. He scientifically measured the fundamental frequency values of the entire body organism – understanding that everything has it’s own unique energy vibration signature when functioning optimally – whether it’s a blade of grass or a chair or a pet dog – we are all made up of a collection of cells which vibrate and oscillate at particular frequencies.

What People Say about Bioresonance

“The first time I heard about bioresonance was 28 years ago, in the Netherlands.

Our second child was 5 months old, and covered with eczema. Our G.P. predicted that our daughter was likely to become asthmatic before the age of two.

Then a good friend told us about bioresonance, a non-invasive treatment, which we were eager to try. During the session our baby was happily sitting on my lap, and our therapist tested her allergies using an electromagnetic field. When it was clear what the allergies were, she could be treated, in a similar way. Our daughter did not became asthmatic and her skin problems improved a lot. She is now a fine lady of 28 y/o, with no eczema.

Our then 3 year-old son, who was prescribed an inhaler, went for treatment and, ever since, he has not needed any inhaler or airway medication.
As I suffer from hay-fever myself, every year, before the pollen season starts, I go for my bioresonance treatment. With, what I call my MOT, I am able to fully enjoy spring and summer.”



Clinical studies have shown there are no adverse effects from Bioresonance; the body’s regulatory processes may be triggered by the frequencies and one may experience discomfort or pain which is the body’s detox mechanism and is harmonised by receiving the appropriate frequencies.

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved and certified Rayonex Bioresonance devices for treatment of cervical spine pain syndrome (see the full Clinical Studies under the Resources page on this website).