Bioresonance Cirencester

Accessible and affordable health solutions

Bioresonance tailored for you

We are not a standard business, but a Private Members Association. We will ask you to join when you visit by signing a simple form (it’s currently free) then each session is donation based. If you are genuinely suffering from financial hardship, you can donate whatever you can afford. We don’t want anyone to miss out on the benefits of our therapy. Similar treatments in London can cost £200+.

Whether you have an Acute Condition (of short term duration and has a definite end in sight, e.g. a urinary tract infection), a Chronic Condition (a longer term condition that has no definite end in sight e.g. an inflammatory condition like rheumatoid arthritis) or a Life-limiting Condition, (for which we have the “C”-Module which stands for cell regeneration), then Bioresonance can help to energetically support and harmonise a whole range of health issues. Indeed the list is not exhaustive as to how Bioresonance can aid your journey of health – which is an ongoing process. We would signpost you to the Case Studies that are shared with client consent on the Resources page.

What to Expect

  • Resting on top of a detection sheet that has woven stainless steel throughout the fabric which is connected to the device
  • A relaxing environment that makes for a calming session with ‘me time’
  • Many clients choose to meditate, read, or even sleep during their sessions
  • Supplements may be recommended to help correct possible imbalances or deficiencies like acid base balance or gut flora depending on analysis results
  • It is recommended clients wear single layer cotton or linen clothing (or cotton PJ’s) when having Bioresonance Analysis or Harmonisation

Therapy Options

Full Body Analysis

Determining your energetic fingerprint or key so the appropriate frequencies can be given in order to restore and harmonise and to correct the burden that has been resulting in illness or dis-ease.

Session may last up to 2 hours maximum


suggested donation


Following the above Analysis I will create a unique Harmonisation frequency programme created just for you. You will then receive this Harmonisation programme in a session where you can sit back and relax

Depending on your programme requirements the session may last up to 2 hours maximum. You may be given pillules (sucrose pills) which contain the bespoke frequency signature of the harmonization programme.


suggested donation

Pain Relief

Bioresonance can relieve pain symptoms in all parameters safely assisting in improved wellbeing and possible reduction in analgesia. Please see the clinical studies and data in double-blind, randomised and placebo controlled study on pain reduction in patients with cervical spine syndrome in our Resources section.

You may be given pillules which contain the bespoke frequency signature of your harmonization pain relieving programme.


suggested donation

Ongoing Analysis Follow-up

  • Up to 2 hours maximum
  • Monthly or Periodic ongoing Checks to measure progress


suggested donation


Analysis for Intolerances & Sensitivities

Allergy programmes on the machine can analyse and harmonise. These are compilations of frequencies applied that provide positive energetic support and reduction of allergic symptoms on all affected areas of the body, ie mucous membranes, skin, respiratory tract, digestive organs and other systems affected.

  • Testing session may last up to 2 hours
  • Harmonised pillules supplied and suggest re-analysis 2-4 weeks thereafter


suggested donation

Distance Saliva Testing

This is the next best alternative if you’re unable to attend clinic in-person. Just send us your saliva sample for full Analysis (includes food intolerances).

Please inform us prior that you are wanting this option, so we can send you the Saliva Test Instructions Kit along with pre-test form to complete and return with your sample.

After Analysis we shall schedule a brief Zoom or WhatsApp video call so we can discuss the findings with you and suggest any advisories as appropriate.

Harmonised pillules will be posted out directly to you.


suggested donation

Remote Therapy

Device Rental

This option is for clients who are too frail to attend the clinic or if they live a distance away. Simply attend clinic monthly for a Full Body Analysis and the therapy frequencies get transferred directly onto memory cards to take home.

  • Enjoy sessions in the privacy and comfort of your home
  • Rental of a Read-Only PS10 device
  • For further details on the rental option, please discuss with us

Important Advisories

  • It is not advised clients watch television during their session
  • Please do not be positioned near a Wi-Fi router in the same room
  • Please turn mobile phones or any other wireless devices off
  • Remove jewellery, watches, belts
  • To ensure no geological disturbances are present, a Building Biologist may be needed to recommend appropriate solutions after assessing your living environment for burdens such as geopathic stress, geological interferences (water underground, ley lines), electro-magnetic pollution (EMF)

Payment Policy

The following methods of payment are accepted when you attend your session:

  • Cash
  • Credit or debit cards

Cancellations Policy

Please provide us with as much notice as possible if you are unable to attend your session. If you cancel your session within less than 24 hours of the booking then a 50% cancellation fee will be charged.