Bioresonance Cirencester

Accessible and affordable health solutions

Resources on Bioresonance

Safety & Clinical Studies

Rayonex Biomedical’s study on pain reduction in patients with cervical spine syndrome

Two device groups were created in the run-up to the study using devices that came from Rayonex’s production line:

  • the Rayocomp PS 1000 polar 4.0 med. and
  • devices that had been rendered inoperable (placebo devices).

Both the operable and inoperable devices looked exactly the same. However, the dipole antenna system, which is commonly used in bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt, was missing in the placebo devices. All study participants received 10 treatment sessions with a pre-defined compact program, whereby neither the patient nor the clinical investigator knew whether a therapeutically effective or a placebo device was being used.

The placebo treatment did not achieve any significant improvements in neck pain, headaches, back pain or muscle tension. However, treatment with the Rayocomp bioresonance device showed significant improvements in all parameters.

This scientific study proves to patients and therapists that bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt can be used safely and effectively. Thus, the results of the study confirm what users have been saying for decades: Bioresonance therapy according to Paul Schmidt relieves symptoms and helps give patients a new sense of physical well-being.

Our Clinic’s Case Studies

Below is a selection of case studies and testimonials (shared with consent), that provide examples of the many sorts of conditions that can be supported optimally by Analysis and Harmonisation with Rayonex Bioresonance and indeed the list is not exhaustive.


Case Study

Client presented with a diagnosis of 4 malignant skin lesions (2 on the left leg and 2 on the left side of neck) following a review with her private Skin Consultant. Twice weekly Bioresonance sessions were recommended for this condition using the ‘C’ Module (for cell regeneration) with accompanying further full protocol tests required. Advised this condition is best supplemented with acid-base balance treatment sachets of Rayobase (this is an alkaline powder mixed with water and taken twice daily for optimum effect to get the body out of acid state).

After having a total of 13 sessions my client then attended for review to her private Skin Consultant who gave her the ‘all clear’ with nil follow-up required.


“Julia used her extensive clinical skills and knowledge to target the areas and it was helpful to utilize her professional nursing background and have my vital signs checked which was reassuring. Also suggested was the acid base balance treatment -which I did do. (Just take 2 sachets a day, one in the morning and one in the evening mixed with a glass of water). When unable to attend twice weekly sessions, the frequencies were transferred onto the sucrose pillules which held their frequencies of the energetic signature – which was the next best thing to attending a session. These sugar pills were very easy to take (just 3 pillules, taken 3 times a day). I found the sessions most relaxing and I really enjoyed my quiet ‘me-time’ spent either reading or meditating.”


Case Study

Client presented with a frail health landscape, having had major surgery to remove much of her bowel (bowel resection) due to Crohn’s disease and having an ileostomy formed (termed short bowel syndrome); client reports ongoing health issues post measles jab aged 12 y/o. Full analysis also showed kidney failure which Sallie was aware of – having had a recent hospital admission and regular blood tests ongoing – states she is on a fluid restriction of 500mls/max oral intake per 24 hour period. Sallie reports she is under a specialist for her TPN feed (total parental nutrition) given overnight via a pump intravenously, which Sallie has learned to do herself, given via a central line iv each night. Sallie has regular blood monitoring to ensure correct nutrient balance of her TPN feeds, due to poor or little physical gut absorption. Sallie was waiting to go in as an in-patient to the specialist centre treating her gut for further tests. Client was keen to start on the Bioresonance to get what benefit she could. Previously tested with Global Test Module to ascertain no intolerances or sensitivities. Client expectations managed so she understood that her conditions would be supported with Bioresonance frequencies and taking a softly-softly approach due to frailty.

Work began with boosting the client with sessions for Vitalisation initially. Once we could ascertain she was tolerating these frequencies, we set to work to prioritise only giving the frequencies for the kidney failure and did this twice weekly for a few weeks before Sallie received notice of a bed available at the hospital to go in for tests. Sallie reported her blood tests from this admission showed that her kidneys had now starting functioning. She is going to be attending for further Bioresonance to support her health journey.


“I benefited immensely from the Bioresonance, though felt tired on the day of the treatment – this is normal for me. After then I felt better especially with my failing kidneys but was able to produce enough urine each day. My health picked up and was greatly relieved to be informed by Julia that I had no allergies, as I honestly believed I had but in retrospect, feel that it was due to the short bowel. I am looking forward to having more treatments to keep up my health, especially with my kidneys. Julia is very kind and helpful – her sincerity shines through. I would definitely recommend her and in fact have said to my partner that he should get checked out with Julia’s Bioresonance too.”


Case Study

Client attended with cardiac symptoms of recurring chest pain, palpitations, shortness of breath and anxiety which began immediately following his 3rd b**ster which was 2 years ago now. Prescribed Propanolol for anxiety symptoms by his GP.

Full Body Analysis showed extensive strong multiple burdens in the layers of the heart. Commenced twice weekly Bioresonance for Harmonising and once weekly for Vitalisation to build up client. I recommended the device Rental Option would be best suited for this client, a monthly rental fee for 6 months minimum contract and then he only needs to attend clinic monthly for Full Body Analysis – with frequencies being transferred onto a Green Card for client to take away and do on their rental machine (which is read-only) in the comfort of their own home. The client lived a good distance away, so this was a better solution to enable him to get the therapy done – as well as being a busy family man and working. His rental device was in place at home by week 4 (took a week to arrive after completing the form).

At week 6 there were zero heavy metal burdens detected after full Analysis (testing).

At week 15 after full Analysis there were zero cardiac burdens detected and the client reports having nil episodes of palpitations, chest pain or shortness of breath since sessions commenced. States episodes of anxiety now subsided and able to feel the improvements in himself. Reports can now exercise competitively, (enjoys participating in “Paleton” an extremely arduous mountain cycling races online) something he thought he would never be able to do again.

On presentation I noticed his pallor continued to improve each month (was originally very grey and pasty at the start) and is now getting his life back on track. Had to cancel work travel flights in the past few years with his cardiac issues, but now reports has been happy to fly recently with a work trip to Berlin without any cardiac issues.

Continued sessions for achey numbness and tingling sensations in left leg and feet, given Harmonisation sessions for circulatory and neuritis (nerve inflammation). Made full optimal progress in all areas using the 6 month rental device option. Plays tennis and exercises fully now back in peak fitness.


“Julia is a very meticulous and caring individual whose positivity rubs off on you. I had a range of symptoms before starting the course of Bioresonance and I went into it with an open mind. At first Julia detected a number of burdens on my heart, but after only 3 months these had gone and we now focus on some remaining symptoms. I would recommend for complex issues, to rent yourself the equipment so you can repeat your sessions with the green memory card at home. I enjoy taking the time away from the demands of life to spend time relaxing and focusing on recovery doing the harmonisation treatment from which I have benefited.”


Case Study

Client presented with underactive thyroid condition being prescribed Levothyroxine 100mcg current dose by his GP and undergoing regular blood monitoring and review of dose being slowly reduced accordingly by his prescriber. Monthly full body Analysis showed varying levels of tF3, tF4 and TSH with required frequencies Harmonised with regular ongoing Bioresonance. Client’s GP surgery took bloods plus client privately underwent another blood test that is more detailed. Client has been reduced to a dose of 50mcg Levothyroxine by his GP since his last blood results. Dietary input given for gluten-free anti-inflammatory diet to aid Thyroid health. Analysis and Harmonisation ongoing as a gradual reduction with monitoring of bloods and physical symptoms is paramount.


“I enjoy the calm, relaxed sessions which give me time to reflect or read. I don’t actually feel the Bioresonance happening whilst resting on the detector sheet, but I notice it’s effects which are gentle but extremely effective and without any nasty side-effects. It’s quite impressive.”


Case Study

Client presented with rheumatoid arthritic pains in hands, wrists, thumbs and left knee. Also suffered systemic neuralgia with a sensitive left leg. Pain worsening when dietary habits not so good. Boosted health benefits noted when cut down on alcohol intake – less inflammation. Given frequencies to assist harmonise the joint inflammation, pain relief frequencies and suggested to take the acid base balance sachets to get the body from acid to alkaline levels. Lifestyle aspects discussed. Symptoms slowly lessened though some weeks were heightened according to coping mechanisms. Gloria reported her left knee inflammation now subsided and the neuritis lessened, plus now having reduced symptoms of inflammation in her joints, stating: “the Bioresonance is very subtle but apparent.


“I embarked on this insightful journey with Julia and it was a great pleasure to witness her amazing expertise. I was keen to overcome general post viral fatigue and Rheumatoid Arthritis that had developed in my hands/wrists, together with knee discomfort from inflammation.

The regular visits proved to be invaluable over a course of four months and my overall health and wellbeing improved immensely. This proved to be a great reminder and provided the trigger I needed to re-adopt mindful and purposeful daily practices. It is a commitment but a worthy one to those that are willing to take individual responsibility for their health & wellbeing and understand that the paradigm: ‘a pill for an ill’ defeats the innate intelligence of the human body to heal and is a passive approach towards self-empowerment.

I would challenge anyone that would not experience a dramatic shift in their ‘dis-eases’ after a course with Julia, and her wisdom!”


Case Study

Client presented with right hip pain with bone-on-bone rubbing, diagnosed with osteoarthritis by her GP and advised would need a hip replacement. Client undecided about whether to have the surgery and wanted to explore alternative options for helping the situation and had heard about the benefits of Bioresonance. Full Analysis and weekly sessions began and a frequency programme to aid collagen build-up in the affected area. Pain control frequencies also given. All transferred into pillules for client to take daily. Client also took natural supplements of her own choosing as recommended by her own health nutritionist.

Bioresonance supported Louise while she was making her mind up about surgery and allowing time for the supplements and Bioresonance to see if it would support enough to not have to get surgery. Louise chose to opt for the right hip replacement surgery after 3 months and is now making good progress. For the post-surgery period she purchased a Mini Rayonex device from which can aid wound healing by up to 20% – this device is placed near to the affected area for best effect. Louise has now made a full recovery.


“I’m very grateful for the sessions I received on the Rayonex machine guided by Julia’s expertise and impeccable care & attention to every detail of my health requirements. I found the treatments very relaxing, and they definitely relieved pain and assisted my hip mobility after each session. It was apparent from my X-ray that I had sought treatment very late in the development of the osteoarthritis in my hip as it was “bone on bone”, so at a severe stage. My condition was exacerbated by the structural issues of my pelvis being tilted and slightly rotated, which was a fundamentally difficult situation to rectify without intensive physiotherapy.

I had no choice but to opt for hip replacement surgery eventually.
At eight weeks post-surgery now, my consultant and physiotherapist are delighted with my rapid and complete recovery. My X-ray this week showed that my pelvis is now level and stable; the operation site is fully healed and I am almost completely free from discomfort. I have used the mini Rayonex consistently during my post-surgery recovery and am very pleased with such an excellent outcome and complete recovery. I am now able to resume all activities fully with confidence.

Rayonex treatments have contributed to my well-being both before and after my operation.”